Privacy policy

Privacy Policy Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö Oy


Name: Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö Oy

Phone number: +358 40 721 4381

Postal address: Vuokilantie 5 95330 Tervola

Contact person for matters concerning the register

Name: Elina Alamäki

Postal address: Vuokilantie 5 95330 Tervola

Tel: +358 44 0400 834

Name of the register

Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö oy customer register

Purpose of processing personal data

The contact us form does not collect any personal data, but the information is transmitted directly from one email server to another.

(Personal data is collected through a contact form, which allows the customer to leave questions or feedback. The information is used for communication, customer relationship management and marketing purposes.)

Personal data is also collected in connection with billing and ordering information.

Data content of the register

The register contains the following information:

Contact information: name, address, company, telephone number and email address, and any additional information provided by the customer, including CV, job application details and other information provided by the customer in connection with the recruitment.

Regular sources of information

Information about the customer can be obtained from, for example:

  • Via the contact form on the website
  • From the customer, by email or telephone, in connection with a customer relationship, assignment or joint project.
  • From billing information or from public contact details of a customer or partner

Regular disclosures of data

Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö oy does not pass on the information in the register to third parties. The register may be processed by Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö Oy's technical partners for website development.

Transfer of data outside the EU or EEA

Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö Oy does not transfer personal data outside the EU.

Principles for the protection of the register

The register is protected by the electronic systems of Tervola Sawmill and Hogging Mill and its subcontractors, which comply with appropriate data protection. Access to the data is limited to persons whose work is relevant to the data.

Right of access

Anyone who is a member of Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö Oy's customer register has the right to check the information stored about them. For this purpose, there is a "personal data" link, where the recipient can see and order the data that is available in the system.

On Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö Oy's Privacy Policy page, you can request to review, delete and download your own data. Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö Oy's cookie policy takes into account the individual's right to decide what cookies are used during his or her online visit.

The right to request the correction of information

If necessary, the data subject should send a request for correction to and we will correct the data.

Other rights related to the processing of personal data

Right of prohibition

A member of the customer register has the right to prohibit the controller from processing data concerning him or her and to be removed from the list.

You can opt-out of cookie-based communications through your browser settings.

Invoice and order data cannot be deleted because they must be kept in accordance with the Accounting Act.

About cookies

We collect cookies on our website, some of which improve the technical usability of the page. Some collect information about users, and this cookie-based information may include, for example, content about the use of the page, such as which content is viewed most and which devices are used most (e.g. Google Analytics). These are so-called third-party cookies.

Cookies tell us about each user, but the user cannot be identified from the data and remains anonymous. Cookies are divided into three different categories. Essential cookies are those without which the website would not function properly. These are mandatory cookies, for example, so that the user of the page can choose to use cookies through the Tervola Sawmill and Hulchers Ltd information pack. The use of cookies can be primarily influenced through your browser settings, where you can, for example, clear all cookies or block third-party cookies.

Google analytics cookies are used to improve your experience on our website. Facebook cookies are used, for example, for remarketing on Facebook or Instagram. Remarketing means that you can receive advertisements from Tervola Saha ja Höyläämö Oy related to our campaigns.